Hello CTS Holders!
@Matt Morgan of @Ross Video started an interesting Discussion in the Xchange Community Chat Room asking, "Is Certification Worth It for AV Engineers & Technicians". He's looking for insights to help guide others weighing the value of certs and has invited CTS holders and those considering pursuing CTS and other certifications to share their journey and experiences.
Join the Discussion here: Is Certification Worth It for AV Engineers & Technicians? | Discussions | AVIXA Xchange
@Alexis Bou Farhat, CTS-D, CTS-I @Paul Konikowski @Mohannad Mousa, CTS @Juan Carlos Medina, CTS @Racheal Aye @Aneesh Krishnankutty, PMP, PRINCE2, CTS-I, CTS-D @Daniel Ayers, MS, CTS, ETCP @ABU ALI FARMIDI ...
Recent Comments
@Kiosk Manufacturer Association, congrats on creating such a meaningful recognition program. Seeing the numerous examples of kiosks throughout your post is eye-opening - thanks for sharing the categories and case studies. I hope Xchange members take advantage of the opportunity to submit entries! We'll look forward to seeing the winners announced!
What fun! Another creative genius from @LEDDREAM Group!
For a few dollars more, check out the Airfly Pro. Having a small, pocket sized device that can be either a Bluetooth transmitter or receiver at the flick of a switch, has saved my bacon several times. I've used it live to get sources into my console at FoH, traveling in the car, and for presentations when my laptop sound card was acting up.
Awesome - thanks for the tip, @Michael Umile! Great examples that we can certainly relate to!
What a great line-up! Thanks, @Dana Jelter! Here in NC, our racetrack puts on quite the show too! Charlotte Motor Speedway offers a magical music-light synched drive-thru show that winds through the track and includes a holiday village and drive-in movie. And, just outside of Charlotte, there's the famous McAdenville (aka Christmas Town U.S.A) lights where the entire quaint Carolina town becomes a wonderland: Christmas Town U.S.A.® - McAdenville.
@Craig Park, great article that I'm sure many will find helpful! Thanks for sharing your expertise. I'll look forward to your next post and would encourage others to follow you so they don't miss it!
Thanks, @Kristin Bidwell, for sharing the full details of the 2-Day event for High School and College Students! Learn more about the NextLVL AV Talent Summit starting on November 20th here: AV Event for High School and College Students! | Discussions | AVIXA Xchange
@George Chacko @Bradford Terry @HETMA
I'm just here to say that I passed my exam yesterday and I will no longer be checking these weekly posts. They have been a big help for me and confidence booster over the past year of preparing for the exam. It was still difficult but I got it done. Good luck to everyone. Also, the correct answer is C!
Congratulations, @Josh Salinas! Thanks for sharing your accomplishment - but consider monitoring the room's discussions from time-to-time so that you may lend your expertise! Best of everything to you -
@Sophie Balba, thanks for sharing your and keeping this topic top of mind. Having a supportive company culture and the right collaborative tools are truly essential for the hybrid and remote worker. And thanks for sharing the link to @T1Visions' Guide! I'm sure many will find it very valuable.