Samantha Minish (She/Her)

VP of Content Delivery, AVIXA

About Samantha Minish

Digital media maven that's focused on delivering experiences that put users first. Lover of nature, shoes, wine, and tacos. Mom of 2 humans and 2 doggos that love attending my virtual meetings.

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Industry Association Media


Executive Office/Owner Marketing/Communications Product Management



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Feb 08, 2023

This was one of my favorite sessions at ISE. I loved how @Iffat Chaudhry and @Kiel Hillier didn't shy away from the hard conversations. Our business and personal lives intersect so often, so navigating that is tricky for everyone. As a leader who also happens to be a woman, I appreciate being able to acknowledge that there are still situations where women are made to feel less than (or worse, in danger), and also recognize that it's not always as easily solved as a woman "standing up for herself." The amazing @Alesia Hendley said something incredible last year at #InfoComm - every step can be a step in the right direction, no matter how small. There is no end to this journey of betterment, so there should never be an end to our conversations about how to be the best leaders we can be. 

Sep 28, 2022

This looks really interesting ! Is this primarily focused on multi-lingual translations (English to German, Spanish to Portuguese, etc.) or will it also touch on accessibility opportunities (ASL, captioning, etc.)?

Apr 28, 2022

I'm really looking forward to the Women's Council event on Wednesday. It's always such a dynamic discussion, and of course, sharing some bites afterward is always lovely too!

Also so proud of the conversations we're having around inclusion. We all have a responsibility to "walk the walk" with our humanity, and these sessions can be so inspiring as to how we can be the best stewards possible.

Apr 21, 2022

I'll be there! Can't wait to see everyone!

Feb 15, 2022

I felt like this was one of the better-produced halftime shows. Nailing audio and angles for both a live and remote audience is inherently challenging (understatement I'm sure!), and I feel like they did a great job especially considering how many different artists were there. It was consistent which helped its power. This in turn helped me really focus on busting out the high school prom moves. 

Feb 09, 2022

While I respect the issues raised with some of the messaging during the opening ceremonies, I can't help but admire the way they were able to use very modern technologies to convey culture and history. I was kind of hoping for a drone show too ala London's NYE celebration in 2020/2021!