About Leon Prather
With over 20 years in the audiovisual industry, Leon Prather has worked extensively in both the technical and creative sides of AV. A digital native and advocate, he has also held numerous roles across digital services for organizations, including AVIXA, where he serves as Manager, Digital Product Operations. You can find him writing about topics like product management, entertainment technology news, and whatever geeky notion catches his attention today. https://www.leonprather.com
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Leadership in AV is for everyone | brAVe [skills]
The brAVe [space] podcast is expanding to make leadership practice and development approachable for all in our industry.
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Listening as a techie
I came across this image by Irene Magistro recently, and it made me think about one of the most crucial soft skills of a tech professional: listening.
If you are often a client, what communicates to you that the person you are working with is a good listener?
For techies and pros: What are some of the techniques you use to effectively absorb information given to you by a client (or other person you are assisting)?
Submit Your Thoughts to our Show on Leadership in AV!
Got a question or thought related to leadership in AV? Submit it to the brAVe [skills] podcast using the form below. All submissions are anonymous.
A new show by Britt Yenser and Leon Prather!
This new show is a part of the award-winning brAVe [space] podcast founded by Britt Yenser, CTS!
On this show, we tackle the topics that are most helpful for you and the concepts that you want to hear about, so we want to hear from YOU! We’ve already taken questions from this community, and we will continue do so with each short episode!
Click to submit your question here!
Tell Me Without Telling Me
Tell me you are into pro-AV without telling me you’re into pro-AV. Respond in the comments!
Risk Aversion in AV?
Some risks aren’t worth, well, the risk. But risk aversion itself can be a bad thing for any business or industry. How well do you feel the pro AV industry handles risk? Are we largely accepting of it, or are we perhaps still lagging behind in “stinkin’ thinkin’”? What’s your take?
I have always maintained that the AV world is one that does not fear risk the same way other tech fields might, because working to serve an audience directly often carries with it a need to be prepared for anything that might go wrong, rather than be afraid that it will. I’m curious how you feel about it!
Super Bowl LVIII - Your thoughts on the tech?
"AV and technology as a whole is a supporting character in the story we are trying to tell". (Click HERE to hear more about this subject)That's what Rebecca Sullins had to say about the technology used in the Super Bowl this year.
What do you think? How do you feel the evolution of technology is impacting this game and other aspects of live sports and entertainment these days? Let me know below!
Recent Comments
This is fantastic :)
Thanks for sharing.
Already subscribed to the Podcast !!!
Second post! https://xchange.avixa.org/posts/we-can-t-really-take-all-of-the-credit-brave-skills
This is fantastic :)
Thanks for sharing.
Already subscribed to the Podcast !!!
Hi @CARLOS MURILL0 ! Glad you enjoyed it! There's more coming :) We will be posting regularly, and in the meantime, feel free to submit a topic or question using our Google form: Submit a Topic or Question
Not so new now :)
Still going strong!@Britt Yenser
@Paul Konikowski So we need to collab at Sphere as an opening act to U2, yes?
What is remarkable to me is that more and more of these tools are becoming more approachable to a wider audience. What’s more is that they are finding more uses outside of mainstream media production. I’ve found use for a lightweight DAW when cleaning up audio received from a client being used in a live event. And I have recommended this same equipment for small operations at places with small budgets who are looking to get into lecture capture as well as podcasting.
My thoughts on the move away from labels: If a label provides the backing capital for the artist, they are a viable help, but the arrangement and output need to mutually beneficial. IMO, the advent of these technologies helps artists get a firm footing in their own sound, and with their audience. These two things together should, in theory, make an artist more appealing to a label, giving them more decision-making power in the agreements if what the artist seeks is assistance expanding their audience and skill craft. But you are correct - the gateway to releasing one’s own music is no longer held open and shut by a single entity in our business. And that is a good thing! #innovationinopenspaces
Who is excited for puppies??? More Bens!!!
Will there be puppies on the show again this year?
I think the most useful aspect here is putting AVIXA standards, design guides, calculators and text books in the hands (pockets) of AV pros in the field. If all the resources were in one place and fully searchable ( i.e. I can search for DISCAS and see results from the text books, white papers and the calculator in a unified list) that would be absolutely amazing. Being able to take care of RU’s on the go would be great too.
Hi Jeff!
Thanks for the feedback. If you have not already done so, could you provide your ranking via the survey link above, too?
Ok, I know you all aren't shy...I'll get us kicked off...
This year, I've been enjoying Brett Eldredge. He's a country artist but quite the contemporary crooner when it comes to his Christmas playlist. And I've always loved Garth Brook's "The Gift" (Maria's song) but, alas, he's not on Spotify and I lost the CD two moves ago.
But let me share my favorite Christmas tradition - my daughter, singing O Holy Night. Forgive my living room acoustics as she agreed to let us record her this past weekend while I kept her 3-year-old busy downstairs! Lauren grew up with an audiophile for a father, @Gary Matthews, and me, who adapted to being part of the stage crew (and proud stage Mom). One of her favorite Christmas gifts was an autographed Sarah McLachlan microphone, if that tells you anything!
Lauren's O Holy Night
I hope you enjoy it. Please share your favorite artist, song, or original performance with us!
Alright, you called I answered ;)
I love to produce Christmas music each year and share with family, friends, and coworkers. Some of my favorites have been:
FOR FUN: "Mary Did You Know?" acapella arrangement that I wrote for a large group of teens to sing when I was a youth leader. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-oqI4D7Zo0
FOR WORK: Part 1 & 2 of the AVIXA Players' (name tbd) debut at the 2023 AVIXA Staff Holiday Party
- rehearsing Run Run Rudolph
- Full Part 2
FOR LAUGHS: Jingle Bells Rock as inspired by Alvin and the Chipmunks.