About Emily Burkot - AVIXA
Technology Coordinator, Public and School Librarian, and now Standards Coordinator at AVIXA.
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Here's a really interesting article talking about the AV tech that went into the Eurovision broadcast this year. I think for me, one of the most mindboggling things about the Eurovision design is how that venue needs to be so many different things depending on the performance. It's not just different setups for ballads vs rock, it's a different setup for -every song-. And then to take all that and broadcast it to countries all over the world! What an undertaking. (I was Team Croatia this year!)
Eurovision 2024 makes broadcasting history with ST 2110 (avinteractive.com)
Star Wars and the Empire State Building is a match made in a galaxy far, far, away
This showed up on my feed the other day and as a Star Wars fan I cannot like it enough! What a cool projection project.
Star Wars Takes Over Empire State Building in NYC
How ILM Put “the Empire” in Empire State Building
Has anyone in our Xchange Community ever been involved in bringing the Eurovision Song Contest to life? I would love to know what that experience was like.
Incredible stage revealed for Eurovision 2024
Recent Comments
YES Dimension 20! I love what they have been doing in the taped show using screens in the Dome to set the mood.
As someone who came to AVIXA from outside of AV and is still learning, this is really useful! Bookmarking this for the future. Thank you!
I wonder how long it will take for this to show up on one of the baking competition shows!
@Iulia Popescu - AVIXA It's too bad Netflix's Baking Impossible only ran for one season, because this would have been a great theme for a new season!
I wonder how long it will take for this to show up on one of the baking competition shows!
I love everything about this! A baseball collab is perfect, considering baseball is also super popular in Japan.
It's really disheartening to see people misusing "The Portal" artwork. The piece is meant to foster cultural understanding and diversity by connecting us to another country, but instead, some are just using it inappropriately. Maybe another city would have been a better choice, given New York's reputation for unpredictable and sometimes uncomfortable behavior. It's a missed opportunity for genuine cultural exchange.
I wonder if putting it inside a building somewhere would have helped cut down on the shenanigans. Perhaps if it was inside a train station, museum, or library, viewers would have to seek out the installation which might cut down on opportunistic misbehavior.
Or people could just behave so we can have nice things.
What a fun idea! What kid wouldn't love to see their artwork animated on a wall?
Thank you for mentioning our Symbology standard, J-STD-710! A task group is currently working on the revision of this standard, and we hope you will consider giving your feedback when the draft goes into public review.