About Jonathan Seller, CAE
I have 20+ years experience serving AVIXA's members in various parts of the world mostly focused within the Asia-Pacific region. In my current position I'm responsible for AVIXA's Growth and Industry Support in the region and leading a dedicated team of people that share that goal. If you would like to know how AVIXA can assist you or your business, please make contact.
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Virginia Molina
Gerente de Marketing y Relaciones Institucionales | Embajadora de AVIXA Xchange, Proyecciones Digitales S.A.
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Tech Crew Program
Support the development of the next generation of Audio-Visual Professionals by working with your local High School to create a Tech Crew.
Welcome to a Career in AV
If you live in Australia and you are interested in a Career in the Audio Visual industry, congratulations, you've taken the first step on your journey.
Asia-Pacific Member Forum 19 May, 2022
Hello to all of our AVIXA Members in the Asia-Pacific Region, our next Forum is fast approaching. Is there something you would like us to discuss at the event?
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Only a week away
It's been almost 3 years since I've been to India. In fact, the last time I was there was for the 2019 edition of the infocomm India Show. I have been very fortunate this year to have traveled to ISE in Barcelona, infocomm ic22 in Las Vegas and just a few weeks ago, Integrate in Sydney. Reconnecting with long time industry friends and yes the inevitable conversation about how Covid-19 has impacted them, their family and their businesses too.
I can't wait to reconnect with all of our Industry friends and colleagues from India. As the one time and place each year that the whole industry gathers, infocomm India is the perfect place to reconnect. I also hope I see what happened at the other shows. The air of optimism, the opportunity of projects being discussed and the celebration of an industry reunited. To that end, AVIXA is holding a member gathering on Tuesday afternoon at the show, the invites have gone out and space is limited, so please don't hesitate to contact Manoj Kumar mkumar@avixa.org if you haven't received yours yet or to confirm that you're attending.
If you'd like to meet with a member of the AVIXA team, please contact our Country Manager, TS Gopalakrishnan gopal@avixa.org to book a meeting. Finally, please plan some time to attend some of the extensive educational offerings at the show. We have some great topics and speakers lined up to share the wealth of their knowledge with you, I hope you can take advantage of that. To see whats' on and register for the show, go to https://www.infocomm-india.com/ .
I do hope to see you at the show, please stop by the AVIXA Meeting Place just near the expo hall exit and say hello. Safe travels to Mumbai, see you next week.
Welcome to the Asia-Pacific Member Forum page.
This will be a great page to follow-up on the happenings at each of the quarterly member forums. You can continue your conversation from the breakout rooms, or ask a question about the Keynote Presentation.
Recent Comments
Really enjoyed listening to this podcast, Thankyou to David and Jonathan for taking the time to produce it. I look forward to hearing more of "Season 2" as they get released.
I found the discussion around AI and One of a kind towards the end of the program interesting and oddly reassuring.
David, some great insights here. Particularly the point you make about Uptake, as this ultimately drives the real value extracted (over time) by the customer in their AV investment.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Hi Monisha,
This was a great session. I am working on a similar initiative in the USA and would like to work with you and the team in Australia to help expand exposure to AV in the marketplace. We have recently created a room for this initiative. AV Education for The Next Generation | AVIXA Xchange. If you would be so kind as to help me connect with the presenters from the session at Integrate, that would be wonderful. I am working with AVIXA, BICSI, CEDIA, NSCA, and schools such as Pace University, Houston Community College, Lincoln Technical Institute, Warren High School (state of California approved Audio-Visual curriculum), Sheffield Audio Institute, and The Loop Lab, along with companies such as Crestron Electronics, Dish Networks, Microsoft, and more to help foster audio-visual industry training for the next generation of professionals.
Globally, we are over a $300 Billion industry with the expectation of growing to $400 Billion in the next ten years. The more we connect the various initiatives, the more we can impact and reach the next generation of professionals.
@Jonathan Seller, CAE
Hi Rich, thanks for your kind comments about the session. Like you we have also created a room on the Xchange for our local workforce development efforts. It's called AV Careers in Australia https://xchange.avixa.org/rooms/av-careers-in-australia We have built it as a resource centre for IT and Live Production Students who are in Certificate and Diploma level tertiary courses at our State Bases Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Colleges. I'll put you in touch with the presenters by email.
Its a great story Michael, thanks for sharing it with us.
What an awesome gig. Great story Nick, thanks for sharing.
To those of you that attended the July A-Pac regional forum, thankyou for taking the time to join the call. We had over 250 people register from 25 countries across the region and beyond. The Virtual Forum really does provide the opportunity for people to make connections beyond their usual circle of contacts in the industry and for us to share information and have a conversation. I look forward to seeing more of our members at the next forum on the 28th of September, 2023. If you have any suggestions for topics you would like us to cover at our forums, please put them here in the comments. Thanks again, I look forward to seeing you soon.
Jonathan Seller, CAE
Region Senior Director, A-Pac, AVIXA Inc.
Hello @Lisa Matthews, CTS you made went into the map to finally find the name. I could not remember!!! "Restaurante La tabla" for those who want to stay around and close the hotel or convention center.
We had the opportunity to taste excellent restaurants, but one memorable was "La Flauta: it was a recommended place by a chef friend. A must-try. I am excited to read all the recommendations here!
I invite to @Franciele Mesadri, @Gina Soraya Gonzalez Lezama, @Ojeny Magdy @Carla Charlton to share their recommendations!
Restaurante La Tabla had not only beautiful fresh food, it was also very inexpensive. Great recommendation.
THanks for the Information Monisha