About David Labuskes
I’m a has-been geek turned manager, turned executive, turned (hopefully) into leader. I love technology and even more I love people. So what I find really interesting is the intersection of people and technology…and in so many ways, that’s my definition of AV.
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Wish I could attend Integrate 2022! I miss all my Australian friends and colleagues and I’ll miss the ever present laughter and smiles and hugs and jokes. Please share a story from this year’s event when you get back to keep me warm and ready for Integrate 23!
Recent Comments
Great advise!
Important observations @Peter Hansen . Thanks for doing this and sharing it with the industry. We all have an opportunity to benefit from it!
Wow @David Keene! There is so much information packed into this piece. I wish I'd had you around to explain what we were thinking about with Xchange 3 years ago at it's starting point.
I so hope that you're an inspiration and guiding light to the AVIXA members that could benefit from the opportunities that Xchange opens up.
Thank you for sharing your expertise!
This was a great conversation between @Ben Thomas and @Kelly Perkins. Thanks for putting it up on Xchange! And thank you for pushing the message about how important diversity is within the audio visual industry.
I really want to see one of these @SIXTEEN:NINE. Wish they were at InfoComm or ISE. Guess I'll have to go to Brooklyn!
I'll definitely take one Stef! :) Can't wait to see everyone there next week.
Been waiting 3 years for this! See everyone soon.
It’s funny@Barbara Blaskowsky. Sometimes you just don’t know why there’s this empty feeling inside and then, a shoe post fills your heart! Counting down the days until #infocomm22!