Business of AV
Pro AV represents a $258 billion industry in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 7.2% from 2021 to 2026, outpacing the broader economy. Connect with your peers to share the trends you are seeing, share questions and stay updated on the business of AV.
Crestron and 1 Beyond
Learn about the future of hybrid work and intelligent video with the latest news from Crestron and 1 Beyond.
F03 - CONVERSATORIO: Definiendo estrategias AV/TI
Participan Adrian Barletta, de Boehringer Ingelheim & Marcelo Palmero, del BBVA Argentina - Moderador: Nelson Baumgratz, CTS-D, de AVIXA
Is Systems Integration in Smart Buildings the biggest opportunity for AV?
The question everyone in AV for commercial, education or government spaces should be asking themselves.
Webinar: Metaverse with 5G and AI
Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR, Hong Kong Computer Society jointly with Communications Association of Hong Kong hold a webinar “Metaverse with 5G and AI”. The talk will introduce AI in the Metaverse, and discuss about how 5G will enable and power the Metaverse?
DALI China Summit 2022
The Third DALI China Summit:
DALI-2 Intelligent Lighting Controls & Application Designs
¡El Congreso AVIXA: TI + AV: Optimizando soluciones y resultados ya está aquí!
Del 26 al 29 de abril de 2022 ven a conocer más sobre la interacción AV/TI