CTS Exam Guide (3rd Ed) Errata

This post notes errata in CTS Exam Guide, 3rd Edition (post updated March 2023)
CTS Exam Guide (3rd Ed) Errata

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CTS Certified Technology Specialist Exam Guide, Third Edition
ISBN-13: 9781260136081
ISBN-10: 1260136086
Author: AVIXA, Andy Ciddor

Print 8/14/2020

Chapter 4 (page 41) Table 4.2, Several of the Log values for example numbers listed are not correct (good practice for the calculator!)- see following corrections:

Log (.001) = -3 (not -2)

Log (.0000001) = -7 (not -6)

Log (200) = 2.30 (not 2.03)

*There are also a few where rounding to hundredths place should have rounded "up" (so answers are off by .01) - but we won't worry on those as still valid in spirit of the chart which, as books says "... the logarithms of numbers enables us to express large ranges of values in a more compact format ..."

Chapter 5, (page 111) at bottom of page under "BDM", the first example of calculating %EH, starting with "If a text character is 38 pixels high .." should then go on to note ".. %EH of 3.5" (not "22").

Chapter 5, Review Question #2 (page 119) to better fit the noted answer(s), question should read "As the standard international unit, a ________ measurement of incident light is taken at a task area like a video screen."

Chapter 6, (page 128) Figure 6-6 although difference not easily noticeable with the images, the labels on the example SC Connector and the LC Connector have been transposed.

Chapter 11 (page 171) last part of "Resistance and Impedance" section, covering Impedance, the symbol for inductive reactance should be "XL", not "XR" (ie, X subscript L).

Chapter 12, Review Question #12 (page 252) has error in that it should read "On a drawing with a 1:50 scale, 2 centimeters equal how many meters?" (not 20 centimeters).  This then reconciles with answer/rationale given on page 253.

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Go to the profile of Gilberto Aparicio Morales
over 2 years ago

Hola Greg, Es correcto, identifique el mismo error.
