CTS-D Exam Guide (2nd Ed) Errata

CTS-D Certified Technology Specialist - Design Exam Guide, Second Edition
ISBN: 978-1-260-13612-8
Author: AVIXA, Andy Ciddor
Print 2023
Chapter 5 (page 101) The "BDM" and "ADM" formula for Image Height are reversed. Should be as follows:
- ADM Image height = Number of vertical pixels x Pixel height
- BDM Image height = 1 / (Element height x %Element height)
Chapter 6 (page 155) and Appendix A (page 557), The "EPR" formula didn't print/render correctly. See below for corrected formula:
Chapter 6 (page 168, 2nd Edition & page 166 1st Edition), In both editions there are inaccurate conclusion statements within the section "Microphone Pre-Amp Gain" made with respect to the "Dynamic Microphone A" and "Condenser Microphone B" examples. See following corrections:
For paragraph starting with "Assuming you have a 60 dB gain..." replace last sentence "You need 83.5 dB, but you have only 74.29 dB gain, leaving you 9.21 dB short." with "You need a signal level of -60dB or greater, but you only have a level of -74.29dBu, leaving a 14.29dB shortfall."
For last paragraph in the microphone pre-amp gain section, replace first sentence "With a pre-amp gain of -54.79 dBu, Condenser Microphone B is sensitive enough for this application." with "With a pre-amp having 60dB maximum gain, condenser microphone B with a signal level of -54.79dBu, is sensitive enough for this application, with 5.21dB to spare."
Chapter 6 (page 178, 2nd Edition & page 176 1st Edition), In both editions of CTS-D Exam Guide, the EAD (Equivalent Acoustic Distance) chart shown in Figure 6-25 should include/note "(+ 25 dB S/N)" in the Y Axis label/description.
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I am inquiring about the description of "Control Point" in Chapter 15.
The term "control point" used on page 396 and the term "control point" defined on page 399 appear to have different meanings.
Chapter15, Page 396
Control Interfaces
A control interface is a graphical or mechanical interface system that communicates with a controller to initiate command sequences. Let us consider a situation where a user would like to turn on a “Room in Use” sign outside the room by pressing a button on a touch panel.
The “button pressed” message from the touch panel is sent to the CPU, which interprets the message as a command to turn on the sign. It then sends out the appropriate signal across a wire/cable/network to the designated control point. At the control point, the appropriate relay is closed to power the sign on.
The control system could also be programmed to switch the sign off with a second press of the same
touch panel button and/or to vary the appearance of the button (change color or brightness) to indicate that the sign has been activated or deactivated.
Chapter15, Page399
Control Points
A control point, such as Figure 15-2, is the vehicle that connects devices to the control system CPU.
For example, a touch panel would be a control interface, and the control point could be Wi-Fi, IR, UWB, RS-232, Bluetooth, or Ethernet. When the user touches a button on the touch panel, the control point communicates that information from the CPU to the device(s).
I think it makes sense to change "control point" to the item "Control Port" in Table 15-A A Control Functions Script.
I believe it makes sense in the overall context to replace the term "control point" as defined on page 399 with the term "control port" as used in Table 15-A A control function script.