"Can I Scan Your Badge?" Joe Way on Being an Exhibitor at InfoComm23

HETMA co-founder and chair, Joe Way waxes poetic about the organization's growth and becoming an exhibitor at InfoComm. Then, the panic sets in on what it’s like to be an exhibitor.
"Can I Scan Your Badge?" Joe Way on Being an Exhibitor at InfoComm23

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HETMA co-founder and chair, Joe Way waxes poetic about the organization's growth and becoming an exhibitor at InfoComm. Then, the panic sets in on what it’s like to be an exhibitor.

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, history will be made. Seconds after the InfoComm 2023 ribbon-cutting ceremony outside the Orange County Convention Center main doors, for the first time in InfoComm history, an end-user organization will have a full 20’x20’ booth on the tradeshow floor. HETMA, the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance, will plant a flag in the ground for the fastest growing vertical in the AV industry, capstoning a fundamental change that has been happening over the past half-decade.

Read the rest at AV Technology Magazine... https://www.avnetwork.com/news/can-i-scan-your-badge-joe-way-on-being-an-exhibitor-at-infocomm23 

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Go to the profile of Michael Gunderson
over 1 year ago

I am excited to start my collaborations with my former HETMA colleagues!  Time to start the conversations!!!!

Go to the profile of Michael Gunderson
over 1 year ago

Silly autocorrect!!  FELLOW COLLEAGUES not former <sigh>