About Valeria Rapa
I am Program Coordinator, Europe for AVIXA and I am based in Torino, Italy. I deal with the relations and contacts with European members of AVIXA from Italy, Benelux&Nordics, Iberia, France, Malta, and Slovenia. I take part in the organization of courses and events in Europe, focusing mostly on the Italian region. I attend events all over Italy to present AVIXA and raise the association awareness among Italian AV professionals.
Sono Program Coordinator Europe per AVIXA e ho sede a Torino, in Italia. Mi occupo delle relazioni e dei contatti con gli associati di AVIXA in Italia, Iberia, Benelux e Nord Europa, Francia, Malta e Slovenia. Partecipo all’organizzazione e gestione di corsi ed eventi in Europa, focalizzandomi nello specifico su tutti i progetti e le iniziative di AVIXA in Italia e per i professionisti italiani del mondo audiovideo.
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📺 Su AVIXA TV è possibile guardare la registrazione del #webinar: https://www.avixa.org/it/avixa-tv---it/it-videos/Il-percorso-della-progettazione-immersiva-dalle-aspettative-del-cliente-all-esperienza-tangibile/2tfcegIF-dgKj50V1
Hedy Lamarr is one of my favorite #womeninSTEM of all times!
This is amazing!
Per ulteriori informazioni sulla certificazione CTS: CTS Certification | AVIXA
When the user experience improves that much, we can totally say the goal has being reached. Congratulations indeed!
It's amazing being able to witness how the future may look like!
So so cool - looking forward to what we will see at ISE24!
¡Es increíble! Y esta serie de videos "¿Cómo lo hicieron?" es génial, ¡todos los videos me encantan!