Somos la empresa de mayor experiencia en integración de soluciones de Audio, Video, Control, Colaboración e IT. Con más de 50 años de experiencia en el mercado y más de 1200 obras realizadas, somos líderes en integración y tecnología en la Argentina. Representamos, distribuimos y realizamos el service autorizado de marcas líderes para Argentina y Latinoamérica. La tecnología y soluciones que comercializamos tienen un fuerte desarrollo e incremento de uso en actividades propias de organismos de Gobierno, Instituciones Educativas y Corporaciones. Hemos certificado ISO 9000 en nuestros proceso de diseño, ingeniería, integración, puesta en marcha y soporte de sistemas de audio, video, control, colaboración e IT.
We are the company with the most experience in integrating Audio, Video, Control, Collaboration and IT solutions. With more than 50 years of experience in the market and more than 1200 works carried out, we are leaders in integration and technology in Argentina.
We represent, distribute and perform the authorized service of leading brands for Argentina and Latin America.
The technology and solutions that we commercialize have a strong development and increase of use in activities of Government agencies, Educational Institutions and Corporations.
We have ISO 9000 certified in our process of design, engineering, integration, commissioning and support of audio, video, control, collaboration and IT systems.
Get in touch for anything related to AVIXA in the UK & Ireland - we're here to help and waiting to hear from you!
A marketing professional and 20-year AV industry veteran, I am a proud CTS holder and enthusiastic #AVfoodie who is passionate about innovative technologies, design, and all things AV. I love sharing what this dynamic community has to offer and am excited to serve as Community Manager of AVIXA Xchange!
Ingeniero Empresarial con especialización en centros de control. Actualmente lidero BRCO como Gerente General y también dirijo Control Rooms Academy. Mi pasión por la innovación y la excelencia en el diseño y la gestión de operaciones críticas me ha llevado a contribuir activamente en la comunidad global como Embajador de Avixa Xchange y SAVe. Con una trayectoria dedicada a la mejora de la eficiencia operativa y la implementación de tecnologías avanzadas, me especializo en optimizar los entornos de trabajo de los centros de control para mejorar la toma de decisiones y la gestión de crisis. A través de BRCO y Control Rooms Academy, me comprometo a desarrollar soluciones que no solo atiendan las necesidades actuales de seguridad y monitoreo, sino que también preparen a las organizaciones para los desafíos futuros. Invito a profesionales y organizaciones interesadas en elevar sus capacidades de monitoreo y respuesta a conectarse conmigo para explorar cómo podemos alcanzar nuevos niveles de excelencia operativa juntos.
En la industria AV desde 2002
Ingeniero Industrial
DMC-E (Crestron);
EAVA, ECS, XTP-E, ProDSP (Extron);
Tesira, Vocia: Certified (Biamp);
QSys DSP y Control: Certified (QSC);
Zoom Technician: Certified;
There is something that I always repeat, I have been lucky enough to experience the music of the 80s and also grow professionally along with the parallel development of the AV industry. I have developed my career here at ICAP since I joined in 1993, more than 29 years in addition to receiving all the support in education and knowledge from AVIXA as well as others. They know me as the Man behind the scenes..........
At SpinetiX, I drive multichannel comms campaigns and oversee digital marketing, from website management to social media growth. I collaborate in cross-functional initiatives together with the product, support, and development teams to create product documentation. My role also involves directing our digital signage academy with AVIXA-approved courses and developing engaging brand-aligned content, as well as coordinating with internal and external partners to fulfill our marketing strategies. All this, while thriving in a multicultural setting of teammates from across the globe.