Brynea Delph

Owner, Delcom Group
Gregory Marullo

Instructional Support Associate, Stony Brook University

Brian Leas

Coordinator, Classroom Instructional Technologies, Missouri State University

Elizabeth Romero

Sr. Director, Learning Technologies & Instructional Innovation, University of Illinois Chicago

Heidi Bargerhuff

instructional Technologies/Applications, Hillsdale College

Jeff Hostilo

Executive Director of Teaching & Learning Technologies, University of South Carolina

John Schrenker

Manager Learning Space and Classroom Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology

Jenifer Phayre

Instructional Developer, Cenero

Michael Porter

Educational Technologist, University of Michigan

Jody Bagdonas

Classroom Systems Architect, Florida Atlantic University

Robert Miettunen

Associate Director of Instructional Technologies, Cornell University

Matthew Westman

Sr. Instructional Technology Services Tech, Ohio State University

Michael Briggs

Classroom Technology Specialist, University of Toronto Scarborough

Piet van der Zanden

Education Expert AV-IT in Teaching and Learning Spaces, Delft University of Technology

Kyle Way

Education Technology Coordinator, University of Notre Dame

Matthew OReilly

Manager, Events and Classroom Experience, University of Toronto Mississauga

Michael Rhoadarmer

Manager of Classrooms, Labs, & Academic Support Services, Wheaton College

Tim Dickson

Director Classroom Technology, Clemson

Robert Hageny

Advanced Technology Classroom Operations Manager, SUNY Oswego

Ernie Bailey

Manager of Classroom Technologies, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Michael Broughton

Sr. Instructional Technology and Support Specialist, Cornell University