Participate in December's AV Index Survey

November delivered a second disappointing AV Sales Index (AVI-S) in a row. After the low result of 53.4 in October, the November AVI-S registered 52.1.
Participate in December's AV Index Survey

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The initial reading for November confirms the slowdown in the AVI-S is broad-based, affecting North America and the rest of the world alike. For North America, current growth is now extremely close to the no-net change line at 50.5 (in the initial reading for November).1 This probably reflects some short-term weakness stemming from uncertainty due to the early November election in the U.S., especially given that it is a moving average. For the rest of the world, the initial reading is a much more robust 56.3, in line with what was observed in October but down relative to prior months. Next month, we expect the two regions to converge.

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Go to the profile of Antonio Vaca
13 days ago

Interesting survey, done.