What programmers and AV equipment engineers think about?

Today we are talking with Vadim Chekirka, CEO of Avgator Inc.
What programmers and AV equipment engineers think about?

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Vadim Chekirka, CEO of Avgator Inc., AV Programmer with expertise in HTML5 interfaces

Vadim, I know that you're a programmer yourself, so I wanted to ask you about this. What are the main challenges your colleagues, AV equipment programmers, face during the integration phase? 

Vadim Chekirka: Speaking broadly about AV integration, the main challenge, as I understand it, lies in the absence of a clear technical specification from the very beginning of the project. Another aspect is the changes that arise during the project implementation and the need for prompt response to them. Equally important is tracking all these changes. Thirdly, there is the emotional exhaustion that often occurs for many, especially after long-term integrations.

Finally, there are often problems with meeting the expectations of the end user at the project delivery stage. It often happens that the user acquires a product about which they do not always have a proper understanding. Essentially, it does not exist in a physical sense. For example, in the case of home smart systems, the user does not always understand what a "smart home" is and how it operates.

In the commercial sphere, users already have an idea of the product, as well as experience in using it. Many client companies have UX experts on staff who study user experience and can write a technical specification.

In other words, it should be understood that for commercial objects, it's one story, for private (home) clients, it's another. Nevertheless, in both cases, it is necessary to take into account the needs and preferences of the users in order to successfully complete the project.

Often, AV equipment integrators do not see the end customer and only guess about their preferences. This is all left to architects and designers, who do not ask such questions of the customer... Even at the end of the project, designers do not understand what should be in a "smart home".

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