Last weekend, I attended my first music festival of Summer 2024. It was a new festival called Capital Groove, held in historic Bushnell Park in Hartford, CT (basically the front lawn of the gold plated capital building, which you can see in the final picture.)
The skies were grey and stormy all weekend. There was a light, cool mist on Saturday, June 29 for a couple hours, but the bands played right through it, and most people stayed. On Sunday, June 30, the weather became more severe, and the promotors postponed the festival for a few hours in the afternoon while the huge thunderstorms rolled through. Anyone in the park early on Sunday was asked to leave and take shelter (I just stayed at home and waited for the all clear email). Unfortunately, one band, Tank and the Bangas, never got to play. The remaining bands played full sets, just a little bit later.
I have been to a lot of music festivals, going as far back as Woodstock '94. This one turned out pretty well. The bands were excellent. The sound, lights, and video were great, (GO AV!) with only one audio drop out during Ozo's set but they recovered quick. Not sure who was doing the sound, maybe someone can comment? I don't know what rig it was, but the two line arrays covered the lawn well.
Parking was cheap and easy, the bathroom and food lines were short, and overall it did not seem crowded, probably because it did not sell out. Hope enough people went to bring it back next year.
My one complaint was the FOH mix tent was too big, and in middle of the field, causing major sightline issues, and forcing the rear crowd into a V shape. Maybe next year they will take the sides off the tent so folks can see through it better? or put a(nother) video screen behind it, instead of a(nother) bar? Or elevate it, or just move it off to the side a little? I know its not ideal for mixing, but it can be done.
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What festivals are you attending and/or working this summer?
Great thoughts here! The tough part about being an AV guy at concerts is how even the smallest audio issues can trigger our senses lol