All Things TechIE Podcast - ISE Special

In Episode 67 of All Things TechIE Podcast:
Wow, so I think I've just about recovered from Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) #ise2023 and here is All Things TechIE Podcast Episode 67 (the recovery recap) of the week that has been in Barcelona! What an event. As Michael Blackman said on several occasions "We are Back!"
I don't no where to begin in thanking people for such an amazing week (I'm going to leave people out!). The team at Wildwood Plus, especially Tanya Houston and John Houston for all their support to me and the podcast throughout God knows how many years. Joe Way, PhD, CTS for making things special this week and part of the Higher Ed AV Media Team and finally meeting BC Hatchett, Mike Pedersen, CTS-D, CTS-I, Ryan Gray, M.Ed., CTS and Karen Ethier after all this hold ups with Covid-19 restrictions.
My thanks to Jane Ross for a super fireside chat at the AVIXA #XchangeLive stage at ISE on Thursday. To those who gave me great interviews RTI International , Ed Morgan DisplayNote Ltd , Jack from disguise Matthew Koshy from Canon EMEA, Fadhl A. from VuWall, and Chuck Espinoza CTS-D,CTS-I,PMP,ISF-C,DMC-E,EAVA, ECA and Paul Harris from Aurora Multimedia. I had amazing meals with Ron Epstein from Epiphan Video and Rashid Skaf from Biamp. It was also great to meet up with some #AVTweeps who I havent seen in years, Mark Coxon CTS-D, CTS-I , Christopher Neto CTS and Patty K. Wanzer, CTS to name a few.
I know I've left names out, Im running out of characters of who to thank. Remember this is one annual event, please do keep in contact through the year and I hope you like this recap of #ISE2023
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