1.0 CTS, CTS-D RU | WEBINAR: Modern Meeting Room Design

AVIXA 1.0 CTS, CTS-D RU APPROVED Webinar on Thu, DEC 14 | Explore some of the great technology options available, and share how to leverage these innovations to their full potential. Discover new ways to bridge meeting room gaps and foster connections in the modern workspace..
1.0 CTS, CTS-D RU | WEBINAR: Modern Meeting Room Design

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WEBINAR: Modern Meeting Room Design

Thursday, December 14th at 2PM EST

Is the new room merely a revamped version of the old space, now with more "technology stuff"? Throughout this webinar, we’ll explore some of the great technology options that we have available while giving the technology the best opportunity to do what it’s supposed to do -- help people communicate with one another.

Our goal is to leverage these innovations to their full potential and discover ways to bridge meeting room gaps and foster connections in the modern workspace. Register today to claim your space.

This webinar is APPROVED for AVIXA 1.0 CTS and CTS-D RU. 

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