Goods vs Services


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This week I attended a National Association of Business Economics conference, and I wanted to share a useful figure I saw there.  While pro AV involves, of course, a great deal of goods, the majority of its use centers in the service sector.  That's why our industry has been hit hard by the pandemic--in-person-centric services including in-person-centric AV have declined.  That money and more has shifted over to goods. 

This has two implications: one, supply problems.  So much new demand for goods is more than suppliers have been able to handle. Two, recovery.  Based on research from past pandemics, we remain bullish that people will again feel safe and return to in-person habits some day.  That will cause a rebalancing across goods and services, easing supply chains and turning the faucet back on for the most in-person-centric AV.

[Credit for this graph to Phil Levy at Flexport]

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