1.0 CTS, CTS-D RU | WEBINAR: AV Design: Audio System Stability – PAG/NAG

Webinar on Thu, NOV 30 | Register today to take a closer look at content and how that relates to the overall image...
1.0 CTS, CTS-D RU | WEBINAR: AV Design: Audio System Stability – PAG/NAG

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WEBINAR: AV Design: Audio System Stability – PAG/NAG

Thursday, November 30th at 2PM EST

“Will the system be stable?” That’s one of the big three questions of the effectiveness of a sound system. In other words, will your system go into feedback? During this webinar, we’ll take a look into the key elements that you need from the system and what the system will provide. Why risk a never-ending service call? Make your clients happy knowing your system will work. Register to claim your spot.

This webinar is approved for 1.0 CTS, CTS-D RUs.

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