Technology Managers' Forum

Technology Managers' Forum

This room hosts a community of technology management professionals.

Do you regularly use Ross Inception Software?

Hi Technology Management Pros! @Tim Cichos , Streaming Engineer, University of Notre Dame posted a question in the Q&A, and I thought I'd bring it into your room in case you'd missed it. His question is: Do you regularly use Ross Inception Software? I'm looking to connect with users of Ross Inception, specifically where content (images) from social media sites are brought into the production of a live event. (through Ross XPression for example) Please tag in others that may be able to contribute. I'll loop in some live events experts as well... @Justin Frick @Kristi Ross-Clausen @Rick Bloom @chris wildfoerster .  Tim, thanks for reaching out to the community - hope we can help you connect with other users!
Apr 27, 2022

Technology Managers Forum at InfoComm- start the discussion here for our rapid fire discussion of hot topics at InfoComm

At InfoComm the Technology Managers Council is hosting the Technology Managers Forum and Reception on June 9 from 3:00-5:00 pm.  If you're going to InfoComm, we would love for your to join.  You can register for this event at, the cost is $20 for members and $30 for non-members. During the session, attendees will move through the room to four different discussion stations. One topic we will discuss at InfoComm is around staffing and I would love to hear from you now. What challenges are you facing when finding and retaining staff? Have you had successes in recruitment and retention that might be valuable for others to hear about?  What about DEI Initiatives? If you are actively searching to create a diverse staff, what successes and challenges are you facing in doing so?
Feb 28, 2022

Upcoming Course

Are you registered for session 1 or 2 of the upcoming course, Mastering AV Service Management (MASM) – The Aspiring Manager Certificate? The purpose of the Aspiring Manager Certificate is simple—this is how to take a technician through the massive leap of understanding to the perspective of management. Learn more and sign up today!
Feb 24, 2022

The Higher Education Technology Family

I recently wrote an article about how much the community of higher education audiovisual technology professionals means to me.  @Lisa Matthews, CTS aptly noted to me that this new AVIXA Xchange can be a part of growing that sense of community, and I completely agree!  Let's use this platform as another resource to build our community.  I hope you enjoy the article, and let me know your thoughts and feedback!  Thanks! Mike Pedersen, CTS-D, CTS-I, EAVAAudiovisual Experience ManagerIowa State University

About this room

This room welcomes current and future technology management professionals to collaborate, share best practices, discover trends and emerging audiovisual technologies.