Redefining Customer-centricity in a 2023 Information Security Threat Landscape 1

A recent Gartner report states “Among board directors, 64% say their company is trying to change its economic structure to focus more on digital (revenues, margins, productivity, etc.). At the same time, 88% say cybersecurity is a known risk to the organization.”
Also, in a world where businesses around the globe faced a ransomware attack every 11 seconds in 2022, it is now a business imperative to not only show what benefit you deliver, but proactively demonstrate responsibility and competence on how you interact with your customer’s physical and virtual environment to safely deliver and support operationalization.
You businees could be deemed customer-centric in an increasingly sophisticated and dangerous Information Security threat landscape when you implement the following:
✔ Your staff are the weakest link in Information Security. 95% of data breaches are because of human error and email is responsible for 91% of all cyber-attacks. Deepen security and privacy by default culture by investing in a suitably designed and implemented training and awareness programme.
✔ Acquire capacity to offer security suggestions that protects the gains your customer makes from buying from you. This would require understanding relevant exploits and vulnerabilities associated your digital product offering consistently and working with your customers to apply countermeasures.
✔ Demonstrate your businesses’ commitment to data information security competence by adopting, baselining, and certifying to standardised management framework such as ISO/IEC 27001, NIST 800-53 and UK Cyber Essentials guidance.
✔ Maintain consistent awareness of developments in cybersecurity threat landscape especially Zero Day vulnerabilities and be ready to advise and support the roll out of security patches when needed.
✔ Develop and propose ad hoc cybersecurity incident response plan fussed into your customers incident response and business continuity strategy.
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