Introducing Our Holographic Showcase At Content Tokyo 2023

We would like to throw back to Content Tokyo 2023 we participated in from June 28th to 30th 2023 and we are writing to share some exciting details about the exhibits of our holographic display showcased.
Introducing Our Holographic Showcase At Content Tokyo 2023

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Life-sized character display (60”)
60” holographic display was exhibited. For this exhibit, two of our largest plates (ASKA3D-1050) were used, and it projected the life-sized character developed by Gatebox Inc. It generated a huge visual impact, which drew a lot of visitors’ attention. Gatebox Inc. will continue to develop AI contents and in the near future, further collaboration between an AI character and our holographic display would be expected.

Holographic Wall Signage (32” for each )

Android smartphone screen in mid air (11”) Holographic Reception Counter(15")
Holographic cockpit system 3D real time modeling system(21")
Holographic Board Game (21”) Holographic Arcade game (15”)

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