After presenting a proposal to a client, confirming that all objections are
answered and that the final buying decision will be made at an internal
meeting, what is the next step?
a. Call once, a month later
b. Include the client in the corporate e-blasts
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
d. Wait for the client to email the order
What do you think is the best answer?
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The correct answer is:
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
Thanks to everyone who posted this week! Watch your messages to see if you won a gift card.
CTS Sample Question of the Week: August 14, 2023
Every week we're going to post a question from the CTS Sample Question set. If you post an answer, you will be put in a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card to buy a CTS Exam Guide! Check back weekly for new questions.
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c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
C. ftw
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made.
Follow up to any opportunity and interaction with the client is always relevant.
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
this is one where the distractors are easy to discard, none of them makes sense
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
C. Communicate regularly until a decision is made. (No comma is needed in the sentence, BTW.)
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
C - Communicate regularly, until decision is made.
The correct answer is:
c. Communicate regularly, until a decision is made
Thanks to everyone who posted this week! Watch your messages to see if you won a gift card.